
An update from Simon #4

Hey everyone, good evening. I hope you're well. It's Friday the 9th of February. Geez, how time flies.

So I just thought I'd give you another little quick update. I think this is update number 5. So yeah, it's been probably three weeks since I had a little chat with you guys and girls. So yeah, so that's what I'm doing. Anyway, what have I been doing? I've been at home most of the time. Just obviously recovering at home. There's not a lot of options. So going for a few little very short walks, getting myself sort of outside and mentally in the right place, which is all good.

I'm doing lots of physio at home. Thanks to some very good family friends or Sarah, a friend of ours, who's really been helping out a lot from that point of view, which I'm very appreciative of. But doing very specific exercises to hopefully try and sort of re-fire up my right hand side, which is the weak side at the moment. It's not working nicely yet, but we hope it will be going forward. So yeah, that's sort of what's going on at home. Just doing lots of research on everything to do with alternative treatments, etc.

As you're well aware, the good news is that my radiotherapy and chemotherapy starts on Tuesday next week, which is the 13th, which is a week earlier than I'd expected. So really happy with that. So we can crack on with the radiotherapy and chemotherapy because it's going to be fairly full on by the sounds of it. But, you know, we're ready to go with it and see how it all goes. But yeah, positive, we're on to the next steps, which is really cool, which is great.

Alongside that, obviously, we are looking at all of the additional therapies, as I've mentioned many times before. I don't think we're that far off starting one or two of them. But obviously I need to work with and speak to Dr. Matt Williams, who's going to be looking after all of my therapies and treatments, medications, etc. Outside of the conventional chemo and radiotherapy, which the Churchill will be doing for me.

So I think we may even get the Optune cap, which is the one that pulsates electric magnetic fields through your skull, through your head to stop any growth of the existing tumour. If we can get on to that quickly, which depending on if we can get hold of the actual product, which sits on top of your head and the power pack that sits behind it, then we can get on with that straight away.

And then other things like the immunotherapy repurposed drugs. Well, the people that the people were speaking to with regards from different companies like Care Oncology Clinic in Harley Street, etc. Well, as soon as we get speaking to them, which I've got a meeting booked already for next week, we can crack on with those things as well. But obviously Dr. Matt Williams will explain how everything will work in conjunction with the sort of conventional treatment I'm having at the Churchill as well. So that's where we are with that.

I just wanted the last thing just to say how exceptionally sort of always honoured, humble and just over the moon and delighted I am with the people that are here. I'm so very excited. I am with just how many people have got behind our cause, give Simon time. How much has been donated is next level. Unbelievable. I'm so humble, so grateful that we've got small donations, which is just as good as the big ones because these are coming from people with just giving their hard-earned pocket money away. People who love the story, the campaign behind it, people I don't even know or we don't know who are just getting behind the cause. And to those people, thank you. Thank you so much.

And to, as I said, the bigger donations. Wow. I mean, words don't describe you know who you are. You're amazing. I love you all. And thank you so much for doing what you're doing. It's just truly superb. Anyway, this is a longer message than I'd hoped. Sorry about that. But I just thought it was good that we could get you up to date as soon as possible. And once again, thanks to the Cabinet War Room team who are putting all their efforts into making sure we spread the awareness, we raise the funds, we do everything we can to get this kicked into touch, or at least to get the most positive results we can out of it. And I'm going to fight this and we're going to get there. Okay. Much love to everyone. See you soon.