What happens to your donations?
If you’ve visited our site and are thinking about donating, you might want to know a little more about how funds are used.
Glioblastoma is an aggressive terminal illness with varying degrees of success through the treatment available on the NHS. Left untreated, Glioblastoma can be as quick as 3-6 months. With chemo and radiotherapy available with the NHS, there is some improvement on these figures, but in truth they don’t make great reading.
However, there are other, ground-breaking treatments emerging and evolving. These treatments are showing very positive signs of extending lives, however they come at a cost. So we’ve made it our mission to raise funds to help Simon fight this cruel disease and give Simon more precious moments with his family. We also want to support Simon’s family as they come to terms with this tragic news and ensure they get all the support they need.
Lastly, as so many of us involved had never heard of Glioblastoma prior to Simon’s diagnosis, we want to use the Give Simon Time platform to raise awareness of this disease in the hope it can have more funds directed towards research.
How the funds will be spent
Consultations with medical professionals.
Life extending treatments not available or easy to reach on the NHS.
Expenses, including travel, accommodation and subsistence to and from consultations and treatments.
Counselling for Simon and his immediate family.
In the event there are surplus funds on Simon’s death they will be used to support Steff and the girls with bereavement support.
What treatments have currently been identified to help Simon?
Immunotherapy which has been proven to extend life in GBM tumours by stimulating or restoring the immune response against cancer cells. Rapid advances are being made in this area with very promising results being seen in extending survival.
Optune® uses alternating electrical fields to pulse through the scalp and disrupt tumour cell division or cause cell death. These prevent the tumour from growing or spreading so quickly.