An update from Simon #1
Wow, since the Jay and some of my best buddies have set up the GoFundMe page, it's been incredible over the last 48 hours, the generosity, kindness has just been out of this world and I just can't express how thankful I am that you guys are here to support and help and spread the love and the word.
Obviously this treatment that I'm looking to have post-op is not cheap, that there's so much success being spoken about within these different treatments that we've got to go for it, we've really got to try everything we can and that's the plan and thanks to all of you being able to help me, we can really achieve this and I promise I can do everything I can to kick this into touch and we're going to beat it together and this is kind of like we've said in the kind of campaign that this buys us more time which is exactly what we want to do and it's just awesome.
So again I can't thank you enough, keep spreading the word, I want to be talking about what we want to be talking about, the break-out to charities as well, soon as well, looking at updating you on all of that kind of stuff.
Just so you know my operation looks like it's going to be very early January, I was hoping for it to be a little bit before that but hey it's not but I know I'm absolutely proud of the priority.
JR's amazing NHS have been incredible as we all know they are incredible and just thankful to get into the hospital and get on with getting this operation sorted then going on to some of the traditional treatments of radiotherapy, chemotherapy and then alongside these other treatments that we're looking at immunotherapy, I think of opportune as well and I'll update you on all of these additional practices and treatments that can run alongside the conventional medicines as well.
They will work in harmony, might have to go overseas for it but as I said I'll update you a lot more on that anyway. But once again thank you so so much for everything, it's just been a roller coaster but an amazing one.
I'm just thankful for that you guys are all behind me and supporting me and this is for everyone and wanting to make sure that me and the family enjoy Christmas together… so anyway signing off, love you all speak to you soon, bye.